Partnering with Udacity, SUSE, a digitalized enterprise that provides open source solutions, has introduced their Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree program and sponsoring 300 scholarships for the full curriculum. The merit-based scholarships will be delivered over a wide range of participants. To promote diversity, SUSE is encouraging women and minorities to participate in the program to further include them in the field of technology.

Global Head of SUSE & Rancher Community, Sarah Whitlock said,

Technology continues to change at lightning speed, and as a result so do business, education and public service entities, ready or not. Ongoing education is key to taking advantage of changing technology. This premier program will empower application developers and operations specialists with leading-edge cloud native application delivery skills and expertise. To help strengthen the cloud native technology workforce, SUSE is pleased to fund 300 scholarships.

Vice President of World Wide Scholarships, Corporate Social Responsibility Sales at Udacity, Todd Floyd said,

Partnering with SUSE to offer cutting-edge online course content and expert instruction using open source technologies will provide a clear path for individuals to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to build and deliver cloud-native applications. This scholarship program empowers people at any stage of their career to expand their skills quickly with free Nanodegree programs.

The program will help a variety of “individuals and organizations”. Cloud practitioners, experienced specials and post-secondary students can all benefit from the curriculum while government agencies and educational institutions can use the program to supplement already existing degrees.

Read the full article here.


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