KELA-threat detection firm has announced Ayesha Prakash as Vice President of Global Channels and Alliances. Ayesha is a renowned leader in cybersecurity sales, partnerships, and global go-to-market initiatives. With this experience, Ayesha will lead KELA’s management team and develop the company’s strategic relations with business partners.

Nir Barak, CEO & Founder KELA said, “We’re honored to have Ayesha on board with us. I’m confident that Ayesha’s past fifteen years of achievements combined with her superb talent will make her a significant asset to the team. She’s clearly a highly experienced sales & partnerships leader within the cybersecurity industry, and well advanced within the cyber intelligence space. I’m sure that Ayesha will succeed in her new role and will integrate perfectly into the company’s momentum.”

Upon accepting her new role, Ayesha released a statement saying “I noticed that KELA is a particularly unique DarkNet threat intelligence provider from the moment we began engagement. I’m looking forward to incorporating my knowledge and expertise with KELA’s existing capabilities to be able to help the company expand its strategic partnerships around the world. It’s clear to me that KELA serves as a true partner to all of its clients. Offering that same commitment to our forthcoming partners, will without a doubt yield many successful and long-term trusted partners for KELA.”

Ayesha has over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, specifically in the cybersecurity domain. Before joining KELA, Ayesha has been working to develop alliances with major cybersecurity companies. Acting at prestigious positions such as Head of Global Channels & Partnerships and Chief Revenue Officer, she was named 2020 Channel Chief & 2020 Women of the Channel lists. 

KELA’s advanced threat detection platform provides 100% actionable intelligence, monitoring, and threat assessments curated from sets of Dark Net sources, and with the contribution of Ayesha’s experience, the company will handle preventions in a refined way. Read more. 


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